Wednesday, May 14, 2008

One Drop

If Barack Obama wins the Presidency, he will be the 44th white President of the United States. He will also be the first black President, and that is what has been the focus. It certainly makes a more compelling story to treat him as black, and I'm personally happy that there's lots of positive press for a black man. But does it not suggest that we are still of the mind that anything other than 100% white makes one, well, not white. And for that reason, some small percentage of the white voting public will not vote for him although his mother looks pretty much like theirs. Odd irony.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How about he's not even a descendant of the Slave Trade at all. He's Black to me but I think with him not really coming from the American Black lineage makes it even more acceptable.

Freeman P.